ITs Easy Team

ITs Easy Team

Chęć do podróżowania: Cały świat

Status zawodowy: Freelancer

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 31 paź 2023

Całkowite doświadczenie zawodowe:

Umiejętności językowe: Polski, Angielski, Ukraiński,


Professional team of developers and UI/UX designer in such domains as: "Website Development", "Mobile Application Development", "Desktop Application Development". Any complexity and scope! Our skills: - Website development - Development of mobile applications - Development of desktop applications - UI/UX design - Logo design - Backends or servers of any complexity Team: 3 professional UI/UX designers 6 professional developers with extensive work experience We work with such CMS as: Opencart, WordPress. Technologies: HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, MySQL, React.JS, Next.JS, Nest.JS, Node.JS How do we work? We understand that a successful project requires a deep understanding of your needs and goals. Our approach to cooperation involves a clear and efficient process, which includes the following stages: 1) Task analysis: We will carefully study all your requirements and expectations to understand the full scope of the project. 2) Design UI: With our professional design team, we will create an aesthetic and user-friendly design based on your wishes. 3) Design Approval: We will actively involve you in the process, allowing you to approve the design before moving on to the next stage. 4) Development: Our talented developers will start the implementation of your project using the latest technologies. 5) Testing: We ensure that your project is 100% functional and compatible with all devices by thoroughly testing for bugs. Only after your full approval of the project will we invite you to make payment. Our team is always ready for responsible and transparent cooperation, and we are convinced that the result will meet your highest expectations.

Umiejętności językowe






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