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Szukaj wyników

Znaleźliśmy 47 freelancerów. dla kategorii Jira

Quality Assurance Engineer

I was actively involved in all testing activities, including Requirement Analysis, Test Case development, and Defect management. I contributed to the development of Test Automation frameworks and...

Gdansk, Polska

Selenium 2 Jira 4 SQL 2 Java Foundation Classes (JFC) 1 Automatyzacja testów 2 Testing (IT) 3 Apache Maven 2 Gita 1 Test design (IT) 2

Test Engineer

I have been working in the electronics industry since 2018. I was responsible for HIL tests for the BMS and SmatHome industries. I joined the automotive industry in 2021 and am currently developing...

Borzechów, Polska

CANoe 4 CAN-Bus (controller area network) 4 Automatyzacja testów 3 Test design (IT) 3 Automotive SPICE 3 C 4 Jira 4 Python 3 SCRUM 3 LIN-Bus (local interconnect network) 4

Manual QA Engineer

, I have honed my skills in manual testing, test planning, execution, and defect tracking across various software applications and platforms. I am adept at creating comprehensive test plans,...

Warsaw, Polska

Manual Testing 5 Jira 2 Azure Devops 2 performance testing 3 API testing 2

Software Developer

For 3+ years I work as a Software Developer. My professional experience consists of creating backend logic and data transformation scripts with Python, building DWHs based in fashionable cloud...

Wrocław, Polska

Python 3 React Native 2 React (JavaScript library) 2 SQL 3 Microsoft Azure 1 Kubernetes 2 Docker 3 Jira 3 Amazon Web Services (AWS) 1 DBT 1

Quality Assurance Manual / Automation

" Jestem osobą ambitną i chętną do nauki. Od zawsze interesowałem się technologiami informatycznymi, dlatego postanowiłem zostać testerem oprogramowania. Jestem dokładny i skrupulatny, a także...

Katowice, Polska

Postman 1 Testing (IT) 1 Visual Studio 1 JavaScript 1 Cypress 1 Artillery 1 RestAPI 1 SCRUM 1 Jira 1 SQL 1

CMS | Graphic Design | Copywriting | Digital Marketing

Jestem doświadczonym specjalistą ds. marketingu z ponad 8 letnim doświadczeniem. Skupiam się na pracy z CMS (WordPress, Adobe Experience Manager) oraz na wszystkim dookoła: grafiką komputerową,...

Lublin, Polska

WordPress 8 SEO / SEM 4 Copywriter 6 Social Media 4 Digital marketing 5 HTML 4 CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) 4 Jira 4 PowerPoint 8 User Experience (UX) 5

Młodszy tester oprogramowania

I am a junior software quality control engineer. My work is focused on writing test cases and bug reports through TestRail, Jira.I have experience in teamwork. I work responsibly and for results. I...

Wrocław, Polska

SQL 1 Jira 1 TestRail 1 Postman 1 HTML 1 GitHub 1 CI/CD 1 JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) 1

Tester Manualny

Jestem absolwentem Uniwersytetu Brytyjskiego w Egipcie i chcę zanurzyć się w świecie testów QA. Wnoszę ambicję, ciężką pracę i talent do kodowania, zawsze głodny praktycznego doświadczenia, które...

Turośń Kościelna, Polska

Java 2 Selenium 1 Automatyzacja testów 1 Testy Manualne 1 Pisanie przypadków testowych 2 TestNG 1 Jira 1 Zephyr 1 Objectoriented Programming (OOP) 2

QA Specialist

QA Specialist with multiple years of experience in gaming industry. I'm a player, fan of fantasy genre and history. I have some experience with game developing using Unity engine. I'm open for new...

Radzymin, Polska

Jira 8 Testmanagement / test coordination (IT) 3 Testing (IT) 8 Test design (IT) 3 Unity3D 1

Żerniki Wrocławskie, Polska

Jira 2 Microsoft Office 365 2 Manual testing 3 Postman 2 Google Analytics 1 Oracle cloud 3 AvERP 1